Privacy Policy

Alliance is committed to ensuring your privacy and complying with our obligations under privacy and data protection laws such as the Privacy Act 2020. Our Privacy Policy (set out below) covers all personal information that is collected and held by Alliance other than employee and contractor personal information.

Our approach to Privacy

Alliance’s approach to privacy and data protection is based on the following principles:

  • Security – We are committed to ensure the security of the personal information we collect, hold, and use.
  • Compliance – We handle all personal information in compliance with New Zealand privacy laws and any other applicable privacy legislation.

Privacy Notice

Our privacy notice sets out what personal information we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. It also explains how individuals can exercise their rights under privacy legislation. Our Privacy Notice can be found on our website.

Who to Contact

If we hold your Personal Information, you have rights to access and request the correction of your Personal Information. To exercise these rights or to ask us questions about this privacy policy, please contact our Privacy Officer or an alternative contact provided in the below:

Privacy Officer (Ken Smith)
Post: The Privacy Officer
Alliance Group
PO Box 845
Invercargill 9840

Nicole Godber (Legal Counsel)

Customer Support Service
Phone: 0800 650 222

Overseas callers
Phone: +64 7 848 7403

Office of the Privacy Commissioner

We will acknowledge and respond to requests for Personal Information held by us within 20 working days from the date of the request.

Where correction of Personal Information that we hold is being sought by the individual concerned, we will respond to the request and advise of the resulting action we take. This may be in the form of correction of information or attaching a statement of correction to the information we hold.

Retention Policy

We do not keep personal information for any longer than we have a lawful purpose for using that information. In certain cases, there are laws or regulations that requires us to keep the information for a certain amount of time.